UITHUIZEN • Year-Round Buddhist Training on the North Coast of HollandZen River is an international Buddhist monastery, that offers a year round training programme under the guidance of abbot Tenkei Coppens Roshi and Myoho Gabrysch Sensei. As dharma heirs to Genpo Merzel Roshi they both are representatives of the White Plum Lineage that was established by the late Maezumi Roshi in the USA. They are also certified by the Japanese Soto School and maintain a close connection with Junyu Kuroda Roshi, brother of Maezumi Roshi and abbot of Kirigayaji in Tokyo. Zen River is officially registered in Japan as a Soto temple (Tokubetsu Jiin) and plays an active role in the development of the European department of the Soto School.
Zen River is located in a beautiful property on the outskirts of Uithuizen, a small village on the northern edge of Holland close to the Waddensea. It enjoys the spaciousness and tranquillity of the country-side and yet it is easily accessible by public transportation.
The programme is based on four elements of training (zazen, ritual, study and bodhisattva activity) and consists of a daily schedule as well as a calender of retreats and related events. Zen River functions as an “open” monastery. This means that everybody is welcome to participate in all or parts of the programme, while the continuity of training is ensured by a team of full-time resident monastics (presently fifteen). Many members join on a regular basis as to support and deepen their practice at home. Newcomers receive special attention. The overnight accommodation has a capacity of forty two participants in total. All meals on regular training days are vegetarian. English and Dutch are the common languages spoken at Zen River Temple. Classes are held in English.